How to sleep fast

Falling asleep deeply

How to sleep fast and feel energized

This subject is controversial. Controversial because there are a lot of people who are thinking that time is the most important resource. Nothing is more important than time. That you should have lots of goals and try to achieve the most of them. I dare to disagree that energy is the most important resource you have and that for important things there is always enough time to do them. That you can postpone a goal until there is enough time to do it. That you do not need to have numerous goals that sleeping is more important than smaller goals and that you will achieve your goals at the right time. Currently, it is estimated that 50% of the population does not sleep properly and that sleeping is a problem. Imagine going around and doing your activities when you do not sleep enough. You can not do activities and goals, you can not think much of anything else apart from sleeping, That when you go home you will sleep. Your mind will be full of thoughts about sleep. ‘How good is sleeping’, ‘how good is it to have a good night’s sleep tonight when I go home.’ Without sleep you can not be happy, the battery should be 75% replenished, you can not enjoy your day, and you can not make a living to provide for your family. And all sorts of things that I can not think of.

As I said there is a problem in society with regard to sleep. People all over have sleeping problems the same thing as there is obesity problem. Currently, there is no sleeping pill all the pills are developing dependency and you need to take more and more. After so much time in medicine and research, we still do not have sleeping pills. Another property of the current pills is that they are addictive and not prescribed. They are also used in the process of suicide and the doctors get in trouble with their licenses. You would think that we would be better off without them so the problems sleeping pills create. To sleep you will need a proper bedroom with the right temperature Between 15 to 18 Celsius. Do not stimulate too much before sleeping. It will affect your sleep. Do meditation or read a book before going to bed. You will fall asleep. Also, say “I fall asleep when I lay down in bed”. Say it a few times and you will be falling asleep easily. Warm feet and cool head you need in bed so put some socks on. Also to fall asleep meditate. Transcendental meditation is good. Also mind full meditation is good. Eat a bit like a sandwich just before you go to bed so you will not have an empty stomach. White noise will help as well but you need to find which one. Mine is a fan just a little bit noisy. But for the moment I can not find it. Some DJs compose music for sleeping. Give them a try if nothing else works. This should be enough to make you fall asleep. Remember sleeping pills develop dependencies and are not usually prescribed.

Author: loverman

I am a refugee originally from eastern Europe. and migrated during times of cold war between the east and the west. I picked this country because at the time there was a free health system and free education. Education for everybody who wants it. I continue lived here and would like to make a significant contribution even at my late age.

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