Social Security

How to build a social security system

How to improve a social security system

I know that you might be struggling when looking for a job and it is not easy to obtain a job. If you are over fifty it is even harder. Maybe you are forced to open a business. Every job interview is hard with no results. You search the papers, the websites and do cold calling and no job is given to you. After months of searching, you are long-term unemployed. The government which is supposed to support you is cold in regards to your problems and wants you to put certain activities in the community to pay back some of the money received. It looks like you are getting the stick and no carrot. In Sweden, if you are on unemployment benefit you are given a choice of 3 jobs after which if you refuse all of them you are cut off from the benefit. This is called support. Why is the government doing what they are doing in Australia? This psychology is simple, they are not happy people and they are quite mean. It takes their problems to people who struggle. It is the responsibility of society to support you, in this case, the Social Security. It is the role of support that needs to be adopted by the government, by the social security. Also, the mothers with one child need to be supported in their struggles as mothers. Jobs to be given by the Agencies which pushes you around as the government dictates to them what to do. That is what we fight for, obtaining support from the Social Security system. To provide jobs and care to people who are struggling and are at the bottom of society.

I also support the introduction of the living wage. Due to automation and robotization of work and the fact that a lot of people would be without jobs, I support the living wage paid by the social security. Return to join the movement page