Humanity needs you

Strong believer in humanity

Humanity needs you to build the country

The power of humanity is strong. Together we will conquer climate change, the world’s overpopulation growth, global financial crisis, and starvation. I currently live in Melbourne Australia and would like to start a movement and achieve its objectives of the movement.

I came here from Eastern Block European countries in the early ’80s as a refugee after a struggle with security police for 1 1/2 years. I lived in Melbourne for a long time and I am still in Melbourne. I am 59 years old. I am always concerned about the best system for society. That is why I believe the world and Australia need a new system for the 21st Century.

In the last fifteen years I have been sick, suffering from anxiety and depression, and that stopped me from doing the things I want to do and making a significant contribution to the world of today. I want to do something bigger, grander, and better than myself. I am on the road and I am a firm believer that I can do and built this movement, and set up the future generation for the better.

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I can be contacted at You can join the movement by using the form on Movement in Melbourne.

I will let you know when there will be peaceful demonstrations. It will depend on the number of people who joined the movement. You can donate at Any donation will be well come. Return to the main page